Daniel Rosehill Github Index
Updated: 22-Dec-24
To use the index, click on a section in the left (sidebar).
Note: if you're accessing this on Github, documentation repositories are (mostly) excluded.
Those can be accessed, instead, via my docs site.
# AI & LLMs
AI Abusive Message Documentation Tool
Configuration text for an LLM assistant designed to assist users with documenting abusive messages.
AI Generated Code Samples
Scripts and other programs generated with various LLMs. Sometimes they need refinement. Frequently they just work!
AI Generated Project Starters
AI-generated project starters for anyone wishing to carry on the ideas!
Anonymisation Assistant
Configuration for a large language assistant designed to assist with redacting personally identifiable details in documents.
Awesome LLM Communities
Great online communities discussing use of LLMs including (but not limited to) ChatGPT.
Awesome LLM Prompt Libraries
An index of prompting libraries for GPTs, including ChatGPT. Some of these are on Github and others are hosted externally.
Bias Censorship Eval Tests
Some loosely organised experiments intended to probe the levels of political censorship inherent in LLMs.
Custom LLM Agent Platforms
Tools, frameworks, and platforms for custom LLM agent creation, including AI workforces/fleets.
Custom LLM Agents
Configuration parameters for custom LLM assistants for various tasks along with links to where they are available online.
Eco Ninja 3
Configuration for an LLM assistant that performs analysis on sustainability data.
Fun LLM Data Prompts
As prompting for data analysis & vis is quite specific, a small side collection of prompts for this purpose.
GPT Python
ChatGPT-generated Python scripts for various purposes.
LLM API Key Manager
LLM API Price Estimates
Some cost estimates for using LLMs via API versus web UI services (like ChatGPT).
LLM Attribution Badges
Markdown badges for attributing LLM generated (or co-generated) content (using Shields.io).
LLM Evaluation Prompts
A few prompts that I am storing in a repo for the purpose of running controlled experiments comparing and benchmarking different LLMs for defined use-cases.
LLM Experiment Notebook
Experiments in evaluating various prompting strategies and LLM performance generally.
LLM Long Codegen Test
Experiment to evaluate the ability of code-gen LLMs to generate a long continuous (single) output.
LLM Obsidian Vault Backup Utility
Simple backup GUI for my Obsidian vault for storing LLM artifacts (prompts, outputs, agent configs).
LLM Output Notes
First entry documentation repository for notes mostly unedited from LLMs.
LLM Output Vault Parameters
Some parameteric data about my LLM output repository as it scales.
LLM Outputs
Interesting GPT outputs demonstrating specific capabilities.
LLM System Prompts
A few system prompts for LLMs intended to improve the format and utility of outputs. Written primarily for LibreChat but should be reasonably frontend-agnostic.
LLM Use Case Self Ideation
LLM-generated documents describing potential use-cases for GPTs & other LLMs across both professional and business contexts with sections describing potential/predicted evolutions as underlying technology advances.
LLM Workflow Documentation
Documentation for managing prompts and outputs and working professionally with large language models (LLMs).
LLM Workspace Scaffolder
A quick scaffolding script for populating a repository with folders for organising prompts and outputs, as commonly required when working with LLMs.
LLM Workspace Scaffolding
A folder structure (scaffold) for those employing systematic workflows for working with LLMs.
LLMs on LLMs
Large language models (LLMs) explaining themselves - and how to make best use of them (prompt engineering). Often insightful, though accuracy not guaranteed!
Model Idea Refinement GPT Agent
A model/template for a custom GPT/LLM agent whose focus is on helping to ideate and improve a technology idea (example: "Output Hub").
Mr David Rosen
An LLM-generated alias to explore contextually guided prompting strategies.
My LLM KM Idea
"High level" documentation/thinking for a system I'm working on for storing large language model (LLM) derived information in a graph-backed knowledge base system.
Obisidian For LLM Capture
Some GUIs and scaffolding scripts intended to optimise Obsidian for use as a knowledge base for storing and organising LLM outputs (as well as prompts and custom agent config).
Obisidian Prompt Output Saver Local Only
A GUI component for the Obsidian vault project. This saves prompts and outputs into the vault but doesn't integrate with an LLM API.
Obsidian Prompt Output Saver
A utility for running prompts through the OpenAI API and saving them into an Obsidian Vault structured for LLM output storage.
OpenAI Github Repo Index Creator
Simple script for creating a Github index using the OpenAI API.
Output Hub
An admin application I'm developing for managing all aspects of working with LLMs professionally and at scale, with functions for prompt logging, prompt library, and custom LLM agent inventorising. Aspiration: add code to notes gradually as project matures!
Prompt Builder
Streamlit project for generating prompts from templates.
Prompt Engineering Resources
Lists of resources and tools for prompt engineering and evaluation.
Prompt Library
A repository of prompts I've used when working with LLMs as well as some example outputs and notes.
Prompt Puncutation Experiment
Experimenting to test the effect of puncutation in prompts on inference quality.
Prompts And Outputs
A vault of over 2,000 prompts and outputs derived from interactions with various large language models (LLMs).
ChatGPT CustomGPT Dev
Scripts and utilities for managing custom GPTs built with ChatGPT.
GPT Repo Utility
Utility for saving GPT outputs into an organised markdown repository.
Simple text conversion utility. User inputs prompts and outputs, GUI renders to PDF. GPT-authored code!
A markdown note taking application optimise for saving and storing outputs from LLM & GPT interactions (prompts, outputs, agent configurations).
My Principles Of Prompting
A small and opinionated repository of my thoughts about prompting LLMs to maximise their utility for specific use-cases.
Data Analysis & Visualization
Data Analysis Notebook
A public notebook of some analytical work with datasets.
Data Projects Index
Data apps and datasets deployed to Streamlit Community Cloud, Hugging Face, and elsewhere.
GHG EBITDA Correlations
Streamlit data visualisation examining correlation between emissions & profitability.
Another data visualisation series comparing companies' GHG emissions with their EBITDA.
Global Value Factors Explorer
(Non-official) derivative version of IFVI Global Value Factors Database in JSON/GeoJSON to facilitate data analysis projects.
Global Value Factors Explorer Dataset
Derivative database of IFVI Global Value Factors for data analysis and visualization use cases.
Impact Investing Data
A repository for housing visualisations and analyses of data related to impact investing approaches.
Outcomes Funds
Data analysis and visualisations performed on data from various sources tracking the establishment and progress of outcomes funds around the world.
Value Factors Data Vis
Streamlit app containing visualisations of the Global Value Factors Database (GVFD) released by the IFVI in 2024.
Database Relationship Identifier Postgres
Utility that creates a human-readable manifest of the relationships contained in a Postgres database.
Data Relationships Helper
Utility for helping users understand the classic data relationships in RDMSs (M2M, O2M, M2O etc).
Natural Language Relationship Definition
Experiment: trying to create a database schema using natural language.
Output Hub POC Seed
Seeds a relational database structure for 'Output Hub' output management system.
Postgres Utilities
Little scripts and hacks for working with my favorite database!
Documentation & Notes
Daniels Take On
My thoughts on a few random topics (for my documentation site), to get a bit of space to jot down things besides tech notes.
Docs Archive
Some archived documentation.
Document Templates
Documentation matters! Some of the templates (in markdown) that I like to use.
Short tech notes (as in Github Gists, but versioned in a repo to sync them to a doc site).
Github Submodules Docs
A few personal notes jotted down for working with submodules in Github while trying to avoid going insane.
GVFD Derivative Docs
Documentation for derivative database of IFVI Global Value Factors Database (GVFD).
How To Guides
My little tech discoveries available for anyone who wants to read them!
The first seedlings of ideas as they pop out of my head and onto the page/code editor.
Markdown Templates For LLM Work
Some very basic templates for saving LLM outputs in markdown-friendly notebooks (like Joplin).
Master Index
Master index for Github repositories indices.
My Docs Index
An index to my various documentation projects, both on Github and elsewhere.
My Thoughts On Tech
A first-entry notepad to jot down some notes that may be developed into blogs (or not). My philosophy and lens on everything from AI to backups.
A list of projects I am working on.
Test Markdown Docs
A few formatted markdown files for testing the real-time markdown rendering support of various knowledge management, note-taking and wiki tools.
General purpose wiki for hosting Gists, how-tos, etc.
Environmental & Sustainability
Emissions Data Reports
A small selection of GHG emissions datapoints from various sources.
Emissions Monetisation Calculator
Calculation tool for "monetising" companies' emissions at various proposed social cost of carbon values.
GHG Emissions Data Pipeline
Data pipeline repository supplying various data visualisation projects.
GHG Emissions Monetisation Calculator
Calculation simulation utility for monetised GHG emissions.
Monetised Emissions V2
Monetised GHG Emissions
Calculating monetised GHG emissions for various companies based upon disclosure data.
Sustainability Report Analyser
Experimentary: AI assisted workflows for parsing sustainability reports for target data.
Sustainability Report Data Extractor
Tool for extracting data-containing pages from sustainability reports.
Sustainability Reports Source
Source data and documentation for corporat sustainability disclosures/reporting.
Home Automation
Awesome Israeli Jewish Home Assistant
Home automation projects that are relevant to people in Israel or Jews generally (e.g. Shabbat and zmanim time integrations).
Home Assistant Dashboards General
General Home Assistant dashboards - screenshots and YAML.
Home Assistant Shabbat Yom Tom
Automations and configurations for Home Assistant specifically intended for the observance of Jewish festivals and Shabbat.
Home Assistant Shabbat Yom Tov Dashboard
A Shabbat/Yom Tov dashboard for Home Assistant utilizing the modifications I've documented elsewhere here.
Home Assistant snippets
Little snippets of YAML for HA as I figure out how to make it do stuff. Open sourcing it because .. why not!?
A Home Assistant grocery list optimised for the needs of Israeli consumers.
Impact & Social Good
Data ingress pipeline for Impact Database.
Impact Investing First Entry
A repository for hosting data about impact investing that is not covered by other more specific repositories here.
Impact Weighted Accounts Demo App
A prototype app for displaying impact-weighted accounting data for products serving data from NFC tags (example deployment: a supermarket).
A repository for hosting data and data visualisations related to the work of the International Foundation for Valuing Impacts and other organizations pioneering the development and adoption of these methods (disclaimer: this is an independent project not affiliated or associated with any particular entity).
Israel & Geopolitics
Israel GeoInsights
Experimentary repository; using LLMs to analyse geopolitical developments in Israel & the Middle East.
Israel News Monitor
News monitoring app intended for people living in Israel.
Israel Rocket Shelter Guidelines
An improved translation of the Home Front Command instructions for finding emergency shelter in Israel.
Jerusalem Public Shelters
Jerusalem public shelter locations extracted from ODBL licensed sources. Please do not rely upon these for your own preparedness efforts.
Public Shelter Lists Israel
Linux & Development
Awesome Kubernetes Linux Desktop
GUIs and other tools that make managing Kubernetes clusters easier for Linux desktop users (I use Ubuntu but will add resources for other distros).
Awesome Linux IDEs
Amazing IDEs that work on Linux distros.
Distro Tuner
Quick template for creating a local repo with symlinks to key system files on Linux.
Fedora GUIs
A few small learning projects intended at developing very simple GUIs for Fedora Linux.
Linux Desktop LLM Apps
Quick list of some LLM related apps with Linux desktop support (chat UIs, CLIs, wrappers, etc).
OpenSUSE Config Backup Tool
Some scripts for backing up OpenSUSE package lists for expedited reprovisioning.
VS Code LLM Tools
A list of some extensions for working with large language models (LLMs) within the VS Code IDE.
Personal / Website
My Desktop
Markdown documentation for the evolution of my desktop.
Programming & Scripting
Example LLM Python GUI Build
Google Fonts Hebrew Downloader
A utility for downloading Hebrew fonts from Google Fonts using the API (needs a key).
Hugo Scripts
A few scripts for editing static sites built with the Hugo static site generator.
Misc Scripts
Public collection of miscellaneous scripts, mostly for automation.
Python Scripts
Python scripts that are publicly shared via Github.
Tamper Monkey Scripts
Tampermonkey scripts for browser automation tasks.
Project Management & Utilities
Context Waterfall Architecture Notes
A model for routing contextual data into vector storage for use with LLMs.
Custom Chat GPT Finder
Utility for identifying newly released custom ChatGPTs shared via the ChatGPT App Store.
Daniel s Workstation Backup Genie
A Claude-developed, me-prompted incremental BTRFS backup utility with hardcoded serial number verification on the target device.
Demo Github Repo Cleaner Utility
Github Optimisation
Ideas and scripts for optimising Github repositories.
Local Github Repo Index Generator
Script to generate an index of the Github repos on your local / computer.
Personal Context Repo Idea
Outlining an idea for a personal context repository for enhancing LLM inference.
Personal Context Vector Pipeline
Notes planning a personal contextual data pipeline.
Random Taxonomies
List of taxonomies generated with GPT for various purposes and open-sourced for ease of reuse.
Shields Markdown Badges
Markdown badges from the Shields.io project (the ones I like and use frequently).
Public GPG Keys
My public PGP keys.
System Configuration & Backups
Cloud Backup Approaches
Periodically updated markdown documentation summarizing manual / non-programmatic methodologies to back up commonly used SaaS / cloud-hosted software utilities.
Cloud Backup Scripts
Various scripts for manually syncing and backing up cloud storage.
Nuclino Notes Backup
Backup utility for Nuclino via the API.
Various Bash scripts, edited configuration packages, and other resources to be manually applied to a fresh Ubuntu installation.
Templates and Scaffolding
My Scaffolding Templates
File structure templates for common projects. More specific templates sometimes have their own repository.
Scaffolding Scripts
Scripts for scaffolding folder structures I commonly use.
Tools and Utilities
My Calculators
Unit exchange calculators for calculations I commonly require.
PDF Extract And TTS
Streamlit app using Google Cloud APIs to extract core text from a PDF and perform TTS. For listening to long docs. API keys required.
Snippet Library
Library of code snippets.
Files that needed to be added to other repositories.
Mock PII Data
Synthetic data containing personally identifiable information.
Startup Ideas
For open sourcing the occasional sparks of innovation I have but lack the time to implement them currently.
Taxonomy Generators
Scripts for creating taxonomies, mostly Python.
Jewish Sabbaths Holidays
Jewish Shabbat Yomtov and Holidays times and event.
My Tech Stack
I periodically begin using new tools and services. This is a means of documenting them.
Nice Hebrew Fonts
A collection of Hebrew fonts from around the internet.
Loose markdown files documenting various early stage projects (ie, prototypes).
My LLM Output Notes
First entry documentation repository for notes mostly unedited from LLMs.
Daniel Public Changelog
A publicly accessible changelog of all my technical projects.