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Nerd Dictation on OpenSUSE, My Installation Tweaks

Date: 19-Nov-2024

Nerd Dictation is a great voice control utility for Linux distros (one of too few)!

Follow the instructions as set out on the repo homepage here,

Download a better VOSK model!

The default install instructions (at the time of writiing) have the user download vosk-model-small-en-us.

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My suggestion is simply to download the biggest VOSK model instead:

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You might also wish to change the installation path a bit so that it's easier to remember.

I changed mine from nerd-dictation to voice-control.

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## Move VOSK model into folder

Now you can move the bigger VOSK model into the folder

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Then, simply rename the folder model.

## Enable mic access and verify model is running

This is where I got stuck (my default voice control mic wasn't being recognised).

I needed to install pavucontrol with:

sudo zypper install pavucontrol

and then verify that the correct audio device was enabled (and the non-useful one turned off)

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Test and validate

To verify that it's working, you can run the command per the documentation:

./nerd-dictation begin --vosk-model-dir=./model

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Switching models

If you decide that you prefer the performance of a different VOSK model, it's easy to just shuffle them into another folder.

I created one called other-models in my voice control directory and just moved in the original model:

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You can of course populate a few different models in the folder. Just give them easy to remember paths:

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Then you can just adjust the model path when running the execution command. Just note not to include a trailing slash:

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# Shortcut configuration

After finding out which model performs best on your hardware, you can add keyboard shorcuts to start and stop the background dictation process.

## Start background dictation capture

To start

./nerd-dictation begin --vosk-model-dir=./models/small &

To stop

./nerd-dictation begin --vosk-model-dir=./model &

Updating Your Paths For Easy Launching

You can now follow the instructions on the Github repo to move your model

mkdir -p ~/.config/nerd-dictation
mv ./model ~/.config/nerd-dictation

Setting up Bash aliases to start and end voice input

To simplify starting and stopping speech recognition, there are a few approaches that make sense.

One is adding the voice control directory to your path.

Another approach is just creating bash aliases for startingna and stopping voice input.

Let's say I want to set up:




To start and stop voice recognition (respectively) we can use bash aliases for the start and stop commands:

On my OS (change for your paths):

~/voice-control/nerd-dictation begin --vosk-model-dir=~/voice-control/models/large


~/voice-control/nerd-dictation end

So I added:

alias start-voice-control='/~/voice-control/nerd-dictation begin --vosk-model-dir=/~/voice-control/models/large &'


alias stop-voice-control=' /home/daniel/voice-control/nerd-dictation end'

Now we can launch and exit the process much more easily

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Assign keybindings to shortcuts

Now we can assign keybindings much more easily by just mapping them to the Bash alias commands:

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