Please describe the aspect ratios and pixels that DALLE can generate at. Please provide prompt snippets explaining how to request specific aspect ratios.
DALL-E can generate images in the following aspect ratios and pixel dimensions:
- Square:
- 1024 x 1024 pixels.
- This aspect ratio is 1:1, perfect for balanced compositions without favoring width or height.
- Prompt Snippet: "Create a square image of..."
- Landscape (Wide):
- 1792 x 1024 pixels.
- This aspect ratio is 16:9, which is suitable for wide, landscape-oriented images. It works well for scenes that require more horizontal space.
- Prompt Snippet: "Generate a wide-angle image of..." or "Create a landscape-oriented image of..."
- Portrait (Tall):
- 1024 x 1792 pixels.
- This aspect ratio is ideal for vertical, portrait-oriented images, making it useful for subject-focused compositions.
- Prompt Snippet: "Generate a portrait-oriented image of..." or "Create a tall image of..."
Prompt Snippets for Aspect Ratios:
- Square (1:1 aspect ratio)
- "Generate a square image of a sloth sitting at a desk."
- Landscape (16:9 aspect ratio)
- "Generate a landscape-oriented photo of a family of sloths building a sukkah."
- "Create a wide-angle image of a bustling marketplace."
- Portrait (9:16 aspect ratio)
- "Generate a portrait-oriented image of a sloth lighting Shabbat candles."
- "Create a tall image of a mountain climber reaching the peak."
These prompt snippets will help DALL-E understand your desired aspect ratio and orientation to better match your requirements for the generated image.
The above text was generated by a large language model (LLM) and its accuracy has not been validated. This page is part of 'LLMs-on-LLMs,' a Github repository by Daniel Rosehill which explores how curious humans can use LLMs to better their understanding of LLMs and AI. However, the information should not be regarded as authoritative and given the fast pace of evolution in LLM technology will eventually become deprecated. This footer was added at 16-Nov-2024.